Friday, September 12, 2008

8 Benefits of Helping a Newbie to Make Money Online

Do you remember when you just started to make money on the Internet? You probably had a lot of questions that need to be answered, difficulties and problems that have to be solved along the way. Wouldn't it be easier if someone willing to help you? When a beginner ask for your advice and help; you answer the beginner's questions and provide the right information to help the beginner solves his/her problems. You are likely to gain a number of benefits from doing that. Even if the newbies questions are beyond your knowledge to answer, you can still help them by pointing them to the right direction to get the info they needed. Below are eight possible benefits you could receive:

1. You will feel good knowing that you had a part in helping them build their business. You can sit back and say "I had a part in their success."

2. They may become one of your best friends. Most people can use new friends, even business owners. You may even become business partners and create a totally new business together.

3. You could end up being strategic business allies in the future. You could regularly do joint venture and cross promotion deals with each other.

4. They may help you out with your business. Maybe they will give you some testimonials or endorsements for your products or services.

5. You might gain some valuable referrals from them. They may also join your affiliate program and make sales for your business.

6. They might offer you some free advertising space on their web site or in their e-zine for your help. You could also exchange advertising with them.

7. You both could end up developing a new product or service together. The product or service could be a combination of your current ones.

8. They might purchase the products you sell and become one of your best customers. You could sell them many back end products or services in the future.

There are probably many other benefits you could get from helping a new online business owner. Always remember to help them out because it's the nice thing to do and not just to benefit your own business.

by: Alan Liew

8 Tips to Make Your Website Profitable

1. Your website's template and design should relevant to your site’ title and content. You wouldn't want to use a dog graphic header on an e-commerce website that sells cell phones.

2. Whenever you have added new articles and content to your site let your visitors know immediately. You can do this by alerting your visitors using email. This will increase the numbers of people revisiting your web site.

3. Let your visitors know about your email address or even telephone number on your website. This offers a way to visitors to contact you to ask for more information and assistant which will enable you to build good relationship with your visitors. And those who are in the same niches may contact you requesting for potential joint venture for making more money online.

4. Provide an option to your visitors to view your website offline. You can offer it by autoresponder or printer friendly version.

5. Make sure your web content is original and targeted to your audience to avoid being seen as spamming by search engines. Search engines are good sources of high quality targeted traffic to your website in long term. So you don’t want to be blacklisted by them. You don’t need to make your content 100% original, 60% original or higher is safe enough.

6. Give your visitors a good reason to come back to your site. You may try to give incentives to encourage them revisiting your site like providing free games, adding entertaining videos frequently, allowing free downloads such as ebooks and software that are useful to your visitors.

7. Customize you website in logical and profitable sequence. You don't want people to see your freebies before they learn about what products you are offering. Identify what actions you want people to take when they are visiting your website that will make you profitable and then organize your site accordingly to entice people to take that action. If you main purpose is to earn money with cost-per-click ads programs such as AdSense, YPN, etc; you’ll want your visitors to click on your CPC ads to earn money. So you’ll need to place your CPC ads in the areas that will be easily seen by people when they first landed on your home page.

8. If you’re selling products or services or offering something free to use on your website. Don’t forget to add a FAQs section on your website that will answer your visitors and users questions immediately. This will simply make your visitors more happier visiting your site or using your free service as they are getting immediate assistance reading your FAQs.

by:Alan Liew